Why AI Powered Note-Taking Can Cost You Your Mind

You may think AI tools enable us to be more productive. But the sweeping trend of AI integration with everything including our digital thinking tools is actually causing us to do less thinking.
Enhance Your Creative Flow With Daily Notes

Experiencing the benefits of this practice also led to “cracking the code” of digital zettelkasten. As my analog notebox quickly grew, so did the way I integrated Obsidian into my hybrid PKM workflow.
How to Accelerate Your Reading and Retain More

Imagine how much you could accomplish if you were able to read 3x faster and absorb more knowledge. I’m here to tell you that this is possible. I would know this because since applying the methods I’m about to share, I was able to finish reading nearly 50 books in the past year and I’ve […]
How to Kill Smartphone Distractions With Deep Work

Your smartphone is robbing you from writing valuable notes. When you are doing knowledge work, the closer your phone is to your body, the more distracted you are. This negatively impacts your ability to focus and think clearly. If your thinking is distracted, it takes longer to write and the quality of your notes suffer. […]
Overcome Blank Page Syndrome With the Version Zero Method

When it comes to writing, there is nothing more intimidating and anxiety inducing than a blank page. For those of us who struggle with crippling perfectionism, the dreaded blank page is like an abyss that stares back at us. Using a zettelkasten kills both perfectionism and blank page syndrome. And to prove it, I am […]
How to Manage Your Life with Obsidian and Todoist

Here’s how to sync Obsidian with Todoist and Google Calendar, using the best tools for the job to optimize your daily workflow and life.
Energy Is the Currency of High Performance

When you focus your efforts and energy into doing one thing without distraction, you can achieve world-class results. This is how you get more done in less time.
Multitasking is Burning You Out, Do This One Thing Instead

Have you ever wondered how successful people get so much done when they have the same amount of hours in a day as you do?
6 Reasons Why Digital Notes are Better Than Paper (and its not even close)

While there are advantages and disadvantages to both digital and analog note taking, the advantages for digital have grown quite remarkably in the past 5 years.
Popular Productivity Advice Can Be Counter-Productive With ADHD

The truth is, these productivity gurus don’t have your unique ADHD brain in mind when they share these otherwise useful productivity hacks.