Introducing: Flow Vault: A Modular Writing System for Obsidian

With the endless flexibility of Obsidian and its thousands of plugins, it is a common challenge to just get started with using it as an effective writing app. The new Flow Vault was created to give you a blueprint for all the features you’ll need to get up and running without getting involved in the […]
Enhance Your Writing Focus With These 3 Obsidian Plugins

With over 1800 community plugins, it can be easy for us to get carried away with trying to extend Obsidian beyond its intended use as a writing app. Obsidian is even described on the homepage as a writing app, unlike Notion which is advertised as more of a digital playground. The more plugins you install, […]
Learning in Obsidian and Beyond: Where Your Brain Ends and Your Second Brain Begins

To get the most out of thinking tools like Obsidian, understanding the limitations of both your second brain and your own brain is essential.