Tony Ramella | ADHD Coach

Zettel Monetizer | Course Enrollment


Earn income by turning your notes into knowledge assets with the power of zettelkasten in Obsidian.

What You’ll Learn How To Build:

  • A brand to build an audience who will pay for your knowledge

  • A profitable digital product that will make a meaningful impact

  • A publishing machine that will grow your audience while generating income fueled by your curiosity

What’s included:

  • 6 modules with instructional videos: Learn at your own pace​

  • Bonus video archive: 10+ hours of second brain tutorials and instructional videos​

  • Weekly Office Hours: Livestreams for Q&A and support with access to previous recordings for the first 3 modules​

  • Instant access to the Flow Labs community with live support throughout the duration of the course​

30-day money back guarantee​

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